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POST OFFICE STATION 17 Abbreviations

Many initials and abbreviations are used at Vanderbilt. This list explains the ones most commonly encountered in the mail stream in the Medical Center.


Most VUMC buildings have abbreviations which are commonly understood at Vanderbilt. These are always appropriate for campus mail.

Building abbreviations are generally acceptable for use on U.S. mail as well, since the U.S. Postal Service does not look any further than our unique zip code (37232) in routing Station 17/VUMC mail.

However, if you are in one of the buildings which receives U.S. mail from your local U.S. Post Office (for a reference list click here), or if your address will be used by patients or other non-VUMC personnel who visit your office, you should consider spelling out the building name instead.


Some other abbreviations, for buildings outside the Medical Center or pertaining to organizational units, are not so well-recognized but may occasionally be seen. A list of these follows the building list--to go there, click here.

The Department of Finance has a useful Finance-to-English phrasebook on their website--find it here.

CCO Case Cart Operations (Briley Park Blvd.) - NOTE:  campus mail does not operate to this location OXH Oxford House
DOT Doctors' Office Tower (in VCH) PRB Preston Research Building
EBL Eskind Biomedical Library VPH
Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital
(Psychiatric Hospital at Vanderbilt)
GHOB Green Hills Office Building RRB Robinson Research Building
LH Light Hall TVC The Vanderbilt Clinic
MAB Medical Arts Building VAV Village at Vanderbilt
MCE Medical Center East VCH Vanderbilt Children's Hospital
MCN Medical Center North VEI
*formerly SGOB
Vanderbilt Eye Institute
(South Garage Office Bldg.)
MR3 Medical Research Bldg. III
(Also known as Biological Sciences Building)
OHO One Hundred Oaks VUH Vanderbilt University Hospital
VWCH Vanderbilt Wilson Co. Hospital VBCH Vanderbilt Bedford County Hospital
VTHH Vanderbilt Tullahoma Harton Hospital    

AJRC Arthritis and Joint
Replacement Center
VEH&S Vanderbilt Environmental
Health and Safety
CHOC Children's Hospital
Outpatient Center
VHVI Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute
Center for AIDS Research
Center for Fertility and Reproductive Research
VIA Vanderbilt Integrated
CVICU Cardiovascular Intensive
Care Unit
VICC Vanderbilt Ingram
Cancer Center
GPC George Peabody College VIMA Vanderbilt Internal
Medicine Associates
IACUC Institutional Animal
Care & Use Committee
VIP Vanderbilt Integrated
IRB Institutional Review Board  VITA Vanderbilt Institute for
the Treatment of Addictions
NCS Network Computing
VMG Vanderbilt Medical Group
PAB Peabody Admin-
istration Building
VMSR Vanderbilt Microarray
Shared Resource
TRIAD Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders VPCHI Vanderbilt Page-Campbell
Heart Institute
VA Veteran's Admin-
istration Hospital
VPLS Vanderbilt Pathology
Lab Services
Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital
(Psychiatric Hospital at Vanderbilt)
VPNPP Vanderbilt Professional
Nursing Practice Program
VASAP Vanderbilt Asthma/
Sinus/Allergy Program
(also seen as ASAP)
VSRH Vanderbilt Stallworth
Rehabilitation Hospital
VCH Vanderbilt Children's
VUSN Vanderbilt University
School of Nursing
VCHA Vice Chancellor for
Health Affairs
VDDC Vanderbilt Digestive
Disease Clinic
VCOEM Vanderbilt Center for
Occupational &
Environmental Medicine